
The multi-module is our most used pavilion. The pavilion complies with the Danish building regulations BR18 §287 – §292 concerning temporary construction. The multi-module comes equipped with 4 flexible walls which makes for countless possibilities when it comes to design. It can be stacked in 3 storeys and is easy to integrate with existing structures. The multi-module can be an ideal solution for companies, housing associations and public authorities in temporary lack of space.

The module is suitable for anything from temporary relocation to education, rental homes including student housing and youth accommodation, offices as well as kindergartens. We draw, build, transport, set up and connect the finished construction. It is also possible to rent complete furniture solutions when renting a prefabricated home. If the need for space changes, it is easy to turn the number of square metres up or down by setting up/building or taking down one or more pavilions.

If you want to know more about the utility and possibilities of the module, you are welcome to contact one of our constructors/engineers. 

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